Pretzel Fun!

Pretzel dough is better than playdough, you can bake and eat it! If it is a rainy day, a friend is over, or Monday means ‘Pretzel Day’ follow the recipe below to keep your child’s fingers, tummy and heart happy.

Here is the recipe for pretzel dough; once made the child will play away, and then it can be baked and eaten.

In a large bowl, dissolve one tablespoon of yeast in half a cup of warm water.

  • Add one teaspoon of honey and one teaspoon of salt.
  • Add to these one and a half cups of plain flour.
  • Knead the dough, divide it up and let young children play and make shapes with it.
  • Place the shapes onto a lightly oiled baking tray, brush lightly with beaten egg or milk. Bake for ten minutes in a moderate oven.
  • Eat with butter, yum!

Write out the recipe for the fridge door (keep ingredients in stock) and buy a special cooking apron for your child, to bring a smile…

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2 Replies to “Pretzel Fun!”

    1. I have not made for a while, give it a go to experiment, can make small things, or double and invite others for afternoon tea šŸ™‚ Enjoy!

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