Creative Discipline Tips


Include your child in all your home tasks each day, to a child work is play and keeps the young child happily playing and connected to you. A little broom next to your big broom in the kitchen, a small washing basket to carry their own socks and pants to a little washing line next to the big one! A mail bag or trolley is special to a young child to collect the mail – like a post person – each day from the letter box. A little shopping bag to look for one or two items in the supermarket, whilst shopping, or pay for a piece of fruit. A step to help to chop (soft foods with a butter knife at first) and stir in the kitchen is an essential home item with young children, and to help to wash up with bubbles.

Car journeys

While we are on bubbles, is getting into a car seat tricky? Take some toys – that need looking after – or new books in the back. A little pot of bubble mix is handy to keep in the glove compartment; when a child is all buckled in, ready to go with seatbelt on, she can have a turn at catchy three rounds of bubbles!

Rest time

Make sure there is a quiet period each day to rest and relax, if your child is always on the go; try reading a book to big teddy on your big bed, little feet usually find their way there too!

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