Spinach, feta and ricotta sausage rolls

Spinach, feta and ricotta sausage rolls – winter lunch recipe and veggie garden craft ideas

Grow some winter vegetables together, a child’s veggie garden is a healthy activity both for fresh food and the nature experience gained while digging and touching the earth. A little patch will do, even gardening in pots if restricted for space. Include a child’s watering can to give the seedlings a drink and pea straw to put a blanket on for bed! Four easy things to plant and grow are silver beet/spinach, parsley and mint.

 If these are at your finger tips (or just silver beet or spinach) you can easily make this lovely lunch together (spinach, feta and ricotta sausage rolls). 

 Here is the recipe – enjoy!

8-10 big spinach or sliver beet leaves, washed. Leafy bits cut off from stem and all chopped finely
small bunch of parsley, washed chopped finely (optional)
8-10 mint leaves, washed chopped finely (optional)
1 onion, chopped finely
olive oil
ground pepper
100g fetta
100g ricotta
Puff pastry (I use frozen sheets)

Put onion in fry pan/wok with olive oil and cook gently. Add chopped spinach/silver beet, parsley and mint. Cook until spinach leaves have wilted and the whole lot is reduced. Allow to cool.

 In a large bowl crumble fetta and ricotta. Sprinkle on nutmeg and pepper. Add the cooled spinach, parsley, mint mix. Mix well. (I often put the whole lot through for a quick whiz in the blender – makes the next bit easier).

Cut a sheet of frozen pastry into 4 pieces. Spread the mix over the 4 pieces, near to the end. Wet the end with water and roll up. Prick the top of the pastry. This amount of mixture makes 8 rolls (i.e. uses 2 sheets of pastry). Cook according to pastry instructions (about 20 minutes at 200C in my oven). Allow to cool slightly before handling, and eating – yum!

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